Updated KB articles: using iBook (Dual USB) with lid closed; Network Assistant 4.0.4 info

Updated KB articles: using iBook (Dual USB) with lid closed; Network Assistant 4.0.4 info

CNET staff
88199: iBook (Dual USB): Using Computer With Lid Closed states that you should not close the display lid of an iBook (Dual USB) computer while using an external keyboard and monitor.

    Update: Several users have pointed out that this article appears to contridict itself. We suspect that the first sentence of the discussion section should read: "You cannot use the iBook (Dual USB) computer with an external keyboard and monitor with the lid closed."

120050: Network Assistant 4.0.4: Document and Software contains the Read Me for Network Assistant 4.0.4 Updater, with a link to the software download.