Undocumented new features in iPhone software/firmware 1.1.1

Undocumented new features in iPhone software/firmware 1.1.1

Ben Wilson

There are a few new features in iPhone software/firmware update 1.1.1 that Apple didn't mention.

  • You can now change the sound that is played when a new text message is received. Tap "Settings," then "Sounds," then "New Text Message."
  • International characters: In Mail or a text message, you can press and hold certain keys (like C, or N) for a menu of corresponding international characters.
  • There is now a "Debug console" for Safari, which shows HTML errors when rendering Web pages. Tap "Settings," then "Safari," then "Developer"
  • There are new options for Video playback. You can start playing videos where they left off or from the beginning, and you can use closed captioning. Tap "Settings," then "iPod."

[For full coverage of iPhone software/firmware update 1.1.1, see this article]

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