Type 12 Eliminator fixes StyleScript problem with Mac OS 8.5; it's actually a Mac OS 8.5 bug

Type 12 Eliminator fixes StyleScript problem with Mac OS 8.5; it's actually a Mac OS 8.5 bug

CNET staff
Infowave'sType 12 Eliminator resolves a problem which exists in Mac OS 8.5, in which applications will unexpectedly quit with a Type 12 error when printing from StyleScript (as noted here before).

The Read Me file for Type 12 Eliminator explains that the problem is due to an erroneous call to "debug string," made by the OS itself:

"MacOS 8.5 inadvertently includes a call to debug string. This operating system call to debug string is executed whenever StyleScript is used to print a document which contains specific fonts.

If a Macintosh running Mac OS 8.5 does not have special debugging software installed, the result is that the application that is being printed from, or the background printing software, will suddenly quit with a Type 12 error.

Apple Computer Inc. is aware of this problem, and is planning to remove this call to debug string in the next upgrade to its Operating System."

One reader installed the Eliminator patch, but found that it did not fix the system crashes that occurred each time he tried to print.