Turn your kitchen into a disco

Mike Yamamoto Staff Writer, CNET News.com
Mike Yamamoto is an executive editor for CNET News.com.
Mike Yamamoto

CNET's new gadgets blog Crave covers the hottest and coolest gizmos around. Among the latest items of note: A hybrid chandelier-stovetop ventilator.

For details on that item, click here for the full Crave effect, or read below. Other recent postings include the home laser show/art object and a deeply devout mp3 player.

As every worthy domestic god or goddess knows, kitchen appliances are everything. And they must be as fashionable as they are practical.

Alas, few companies truly understand this aesthetic--but, thankfully, D.R. Cooker is one of them. The latest display of the appliance designer's creative prowess is the crystal ball range hood. The look of this "remote-controlled extractor hood" is surprisingly versatile: As Appliancist points out, it can be interpreted as a disco ball or a chandelier, making it appropriate for a kegger or a cotillion. Our take: It would be the perfect companion to this designer washing machine.