Troubleshooting the iPod: Large, uncompressed AIFF files may skip

Troubleshooting the iPod: Large, uncompressed AIFF files may skip

CNET staff

Loading your iPod with uncompressed AIFF versions of songs from CDs - generally resulting in a file over 50 MB - may cause the iPod to skip, or in some cases pause for several seconds.

One MacFixIt reader writes:

"In iTunes 3, there would be an occasional skip, which Apple suggested would be remedied by using MP3 compressed songs. But after installing iTunes 4.0, I got a several second pause at exactly 2:22 minutes into the song, and sometimes at 4:44."

Apple's technical support department says that the uncompressed songs may be overloading the 32 MB flash memory chip buffer chip at halfway through the song. Converting all of your AIFF files to AAC files at the highest setting will resolve the issue, and result in minimal quality loss.

Feedback? Late-breakers@macfixit.com.


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