Troubleshooting iSync 1.1: Some listed phone models will not sync

Troubleshooting iSync 1.1: Some listed phone models will not sync

CNET staff

From Wednesday, June 4th

Discussion boards across the Web, including our own forums, have been slammed with readers complaining that their mobile phones will not properly interact with the newly released iSync 1.1, even though their models are listed as supported.

Particularly, the Nokia model 7650 phone with Bluetooth capabilities seems to be giving users trouble. iSync will properly display the 7650 in its floating pallette, but fail to actually synchronize any data. The Bluetooth symbol on the phone flashes once, and then stops transmission.

Some users with Nokia 3650 phones likewise report that they can move files back and forth, connect to the Internet via GPRS, and even import/export movies using the new version of QuickTime (6.3), but the Address Book cannot be synchronized. The error message in these cases usually reads "could not establish connection."

If you are having problems, first make sure you have applied the Bluetooth 1.2.1 updater. Then delete the phone's pairing profile in iSync and re-apply it. This has resulted in successful synchronization for some users. Also, make sure that your Nokia 3650's firmware is updated to V 2.54.

UPDATE: Workaround Several readers corroborate that turning off a system's Firewall will allow iSync to properly engage with Nokia's 3650 and 7650 phones. Some have been able to keep their Firewall on by opening port "3004."

Feedback? Late-breakers@macfixit.com.


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