Toast update followup: new security issue?; Installer glitch

Toast update followup: new security issue?; Installer glitch

CNET staff
2 min read

In a follow-up to our previous coverage of Toast Titanium 5.1.2 update's fix for the Desktop DB security issue (see previous one, two, and this MacFixIt Forums thread), Carlos Echeverría Miguel describes another possible security concern. He writes:

"A security issue still remains when burning a CD, either using Roxio Toast Titanium or using Apple Disk Burner: Creating a temporary partition either with Toast or Disk Burner leaves garbage from the unused blocks of your hard disk at the unused space of the temporary partition you have created. Sensible information can exists within this garbage, that will be copied to your CD.

To resolve this problem, I think that next updates of Toast and Disk Burner should zero out all blocks allowed to their disk images, similar to Disk Copy."

Updater install error: a workaround Another reader found the updater would not install, but ultimately found a workaround. Jen Griffin writes:

"The Rev.2 Toast 5.1.2 updater does not appear to address either of the permission issues you noted earlier. Specifically, when running either version of the updater in Mac OS X, I received the 'Error creating file. 1008:5,-5000 Access denied error' message. Typing 'sudo chmod g w /' at the terminal prompt allowed the installation to continue; readers who weren't seeing this error likely already had global write permissions enabled on the / directory. At this point the installer began normally and searched the hard disk for files, but then quit with the second error, 'You do not have enough access privileges for this installation.' I was finally able to get the installer to run successfully in OS X by running it with superuser privileges thanks to Pseudo."