Tip: Download Symbian OS files from your Mac to your Bluetooth phone

Tip: Download Symbian OS files from your Mac to your Bluetooth phone

CNET staff

MacFixIt reader Bruce Brandligt has a simple tip for moving .sis (Symbian OS) files from a Mac to a Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone:

"I own a Nokia 3650 Bluetooth enhanced phone which is based on the Symbian OS. I was a bit disappointed when I checked the Nokia website and noticed that the updates for applications and the software available for this new phone required a Windows PC for installation. However, today, when visiting the site once again, I noticed that the downloadable applications and updaters are listed with .SIS extensions. So I downloaded them (option-click in Safari) and sent them to my phone via the "Send File" command in the Bluetooth menu bar item. I opened the files on my phone and they installed without a hitch. Windows is not required for Symbian phone based applications.

Note however that the Nokia PC Suite connectivity software (.exe) does require a Windows computer, though. Also, the Nokia 3650 interacting with Mac OS X 10.2.6 currently only allows contact synchronization."

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