The MacFixIt Forums are moving to the New CNET Mac Forums

For nearly a decade MacFixIt has provided free forums for Mac users at MacFixItForums.com. Today we are transitioning our amazing community to the new CNET Mac Forums.

CNET staff
For nearly a decade MacFixIt has provided free forums for Mac users at MacFixItForums.com. Today we are transitioning our amazing community to the new CNET Mac Forums.

These changes are a direct result of our acquisition by CNET and allow us to provide a broader range of coverage, in addition to drawing on a new pool of knowledge and resources. Our new, broader community will allow us to troubleshoot your Mac issues with a greater degree of accuracy and depth.

As always, MacFixIt will continue to provide timely and relevant reporting of Mac-related hardware and software issues and will be adding new features we hope you'll enjoy and appreciate. Our MacFixIt editors hope to be much more active in the CNET Mac Forums, making it easier for you to get your concerns heard and your problems solved. So, check out the forums and let us know what you think!

For additional information about this change please visit this thread.

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