The love of a good woman.

Mrs. Macalope makes the Macalope happy.

The Macalope
Born of the earth, forged in fire, the Macalope was branded "nonstandard" and "proprietary" by the IT world and considered a freak of nature. Part man, part Mac, and part antelope, the Macalope set forth on a quest to save his beloved platform. Long-eclipsed by his more prodigious cousin, the jackalope (they breed like rabbits, you know), the Macalope's time has come. Apple news and rumormonger extraordinaire, the Macalope provides a uniquely polymorphic approach. Disclosure.
The Macalope

Last night Mrs. Macalope made the horned one a happy polymorph. Over glasses of red wine, with the lights low, she whispered those words that every man (man/beast, whatever) longs to hear.

"You can buy an iPhone."

You should be so lucky, boys.