The documentation of church and state

Jon Skillings Editorial director
Jon Skillings is an editorial director at CNET, where he's worked since 2000. A born browser of dictionaries, he honed his language skills as a US Army linguist (Polish and German) before diving into editing for tech publications -- including at PC Week and the IDG News Service -- back when the web was just getting under way, and even a little before. For CNET, he's written on topics from GPS, AI and 5G to James Bond, aircraft, astronauts, brass instruments and music streaming services.
Expertise AI, tech, language, grammar, writing, editing Credentials
  • 30 years experience at tech and consumer publications, print and online. Five years in the US Army as a translator (German and Polish).
Jon Skillings

The Bible Belt comes across as more of a patchwork quilt in the Map Gallery of Religion in the United States, a county-by-county accounting of the nation's churchgoers. Not surprisingly, Baptists are well represented in North Texas and Mormons throughout Utah, but who'd have thought to look for so many Mennonites in the middle of Montana?