Surf Express 1.13 Updater: getting it and getting it to work

Surf Express 1.13 Updater: getting it and getting it to work

CNET staff
Following up on our report last time:

Getting it If you have had trouble successfully downloading the Surf Express Updater 1.1.3 from a Netscape browser, try using Internet Explorer instead. Andrew Mellin reported this worked for him. Also, Connectix is investigating whether any problem on their end may be the cause.

Getting it to work If you had trouble updating Surf Express 1.1.2 to 1.1.3, try downloading the Updater once again. I have reason to believe that the Updater initially posted was replaced with a different one. The replacement update works better. To check if you may need to re-update, look especially for the version number of the Surf Express extension. If it still says version 1.1.2 after you have run the 1.1.3 Updater, you need to try again. This may also explain why some users report that the new version does not fix problems, such as the Type -50 error, that the Updater is supposed to address.