StuffIt Deluxe crash when AppleScript is not active

StuffIt Deluxe crash when AppleScript is not active

CNET staff
Reader Wordman writes about a crashing bug in StuffIt Deluxe. To see it, startup with AppleScript disabled. Then select New from StuffIt's File menu and save the document (using a name that does not already exist at the destination location). You will likely then get a message that says "Sorry, but a disk related error (Duplicate Filename) has prevented the operation from concluding." When you close this window, the Mac will crash. Re-enabling AppleScript prevents the problem.

Aladdin Tech Support replied: "The issue is that Stuffit Deluxe is dependent on the AppleScript extension and AppleScriptlib. The problem occurs on most machines exactly as you describe it. Even though the file name you assign to the archive does not exist, Deluxe gives a duplicate file name error and then quits. Typically, again, a system crash follows."

Update: Andreas Kromke writes: "I had the very same problem with StuffIt Lite after installing OS 8.1. I solved it by deleting all files on all disks that seemed to belong to StuffIt and by installing the program again. It seems to me that StuffIt tried to save it's preferences into the old system folder and not into that of the active OS. After deleting the preferences file in the old, inactive system folder, StuffIt created a new one in the new, active system folder, and everything worked again."