Stripping Universal Binaries of Intel or PowerPC code (#2): Simplified Terminal command, more information

Stripping Universal Binaries of Intel or PowerPC code (#2): Simplified Terminal command, more information

CNET staff

We previously noted that the presence of Intel code in Universal binaries can cause some troubleshooting issues. For instance, a problem we've been covering where the presence of iTunes 6.0.2 causes Disk Utility to be unable to run can be solved by stripping the application of its Intel-based code.

In our previous coverage, we noted an application called TrimTheFat -- a simple, silent drop-launch utility to strip the code for the architecture(s) you're not using from a Universal application. We also noted a Terminal command for stripping Intel-code from Universal applications.

We've since corresponded with the author of TrimTheFat, who offers a more succinct Terminal command for removing either Intel or PowerPC code:

  • cd /Applications;sudo ditto --arch [architecture to be stripped] iTunes.app iTunes-thin.app

(where [architecture to be stripped] is either "ppc" or "i386")

In the above example, a new file called "iTunes-thin.app" will be created that is missing either PowerPC (ppc) or Intel (i386) code.

The author of TrimTheFat also notes that ditto apparently drops some file metadata:

"ditto does not preserve file flags (see chflags(1)) including uchg, which corresponds to 'locked' elsewhere in the system."

Feedback? Late-breakers@macfixit.com.

Previous coverage:


  • TrimTheFat
  • Late-breakers@macfixit.com
  • Stripping Universal Binari...
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