Solution for Canon ScanGear multiple button manager installations

Solution for Canon ScanGear multiple button manager installations

CNET staff

Yesterday we reported that Canon's ScanGear installer - for the company's scanners and all-in-one devices - provides two active button managers by default, regardless of which scanner you have. While there are apparently no performance or scanner function issues associated with the extraneous button manager, it does produce errors that are recorded in the Console log file - which can grow quite large for a machine not reset or logged out for long periods of time.

The extraneous button manager generates errors in the console as follows:

  • Looking for devices matching vendor ID=1193 and product ID=8718
  • Looking for devices matching vendor ID=1193 and product ID=8717

The solution, according to a posting to the [X4U] list is as follows: plug in the scanner. The Console log will still display the message corresponding to the Scanner you don't have. The solution for that one is to remove the NxxxU_ButtonManager from the Login PrefPane. (If you have the Cannon Lide 30 scanner, remove the N067U_ButtonManager. If you have the Cannon Lide 20 scanner, remove the N124U_ButtonManager.)

Feedback on this issue? Drop us a line at late-breakers@macfixit.com.


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