Soloshot films movies starring you

Always miss out on being in your own videos because you're stuck behind the camera? The Soloshot makes you the star.

Lexy Savvides Principal Video Producer
Lexy is an on-air presenter and award-winning producer who covers consumer tech, including the latest smartphones, wearables and emerging trends like assistive robotics. She's won two Gold Telly Awards for her video series Beta Test. Prior to her career at CNET, she was a magazine editor, radio announcer and DJ. Lexy is based in San Francisco.
Expertise Wearables, smartwatches, mobile phones, photography, health tech, assistive robotics Credentials
  • Webby Award honoree, 2x Gold Telly Award winner
Lexy Savvides

Even if you're not a fan of the selfie, it's good to know that you don't always need another person around to hold the camera to capture yourself on video.

(Credit: Soloshot)

The Soloshot is an automated tripod that automatically keeps you in the frame when filming, without the need for a camera operator. It works by pairing with a special armband that's used to track the movements of the wearer, capturing all the action as you go. With a range of up to 500 metres and a maximum pan speed of 40 degrees per second, the Soloshot can even keep up with race cars.

The price for all this fun isn't cheap, though — set aside US$479 to buy one of these machines.