Resolving Mail.app/Adobe Reader 6.0 attachment issues

Resolving Mail.app/Adobe Reader 6.0 attachment issues

CNET staff

We previously reported a problem where attached PDF documents received in Apple's Mail.app will consistently open in Adobe Reader 6.0 when using the contextual menu from within Mail.app, no matter which application is chosen from the list. There are two simple and straightforward, but somewhat limiting, workarounds:

Your first option is deleting all traces of Acrobat Reader 6.0 forces all future PDFs to open in Preview.app if you have no other viable PDF reader installed. Unfortunately, Preview.app does not automatically open all PDFs to a size that is readable.

Another option is to simply place Preview.app in the Dock and drag attachments from Mail.app to its icon. You can also install a different, third-party PDF tool, such as PDF Viewer in the same fashion.

Feedback? Late-breakers@macfixit.com.


  • reported
  • PDF Viewer
  • Late-breakers@macfixit.com
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