Recent notable Apple TIL files

Recent notable Apple TIL files

CNET staff
2 min read
From Apple's Tech Info Library:

TIL 22125: Comm Slot II issue "The Power Macintosh G3 comes with a modem slot on the Personality Card. This slot lets you install Apple's 56kbps modem card which is available as a build-to-order option. While this slot has the same dimensions as those found with Comm Slot II, it does not use Comm Slot II protocols. Comm Slot II cards other than Apple's 56kbps modem card will not work in the Personality Card's modem slot." More on Ethernet/Comm slot support can be found in TIL file 24297: Power Macintosh G3: Ethernet/Comm Slot Support.

TIL 30324: PowerBook problem installing Mac OS 8 In certain PowerBooks (such as the 1400), you may have trouble installing Mac OS 8. If it does install, you may get startup errors immediately afterward. Here at MacFixIt, we previously noted that this seemed to be due to certain IrDA software. This TIL now confirms this: "The Infrared option in the Custom Install is only for IrDA PowerBooks. PowerBook 190's, 5300's and 1400's do not support IrDA, so the only IR-related system software they should have installed is the IRTalk extension and the IRTalk option in the AppleTalk control panel. Files they shouldn't have installed include: IrDALib, IrLanScannerPPC, and Infrared control panel."

TIL 30269: Finder sorting If you try to keep a list view in the Finder of Mac OS 8 sorted by creation date but it keeps reverting back to sorted by name: you are doing nothing wrong. This is apparently a problem with the Finder. It should be fixed in a future version of the Mac OS.

TIL 22126: LaserWriter: Jobs not Deleted From Windows NT Spooler

TIL 22129: Power Macintosh G3: Error in Apple Video Player on Second Monitor