Rearrange your iPhone apps after jailbreaking

Apple has yet to solve the problem of managing iPhone app icons, but developers are offering solutions.

David Martin
David Martin has more than 20 years of experience in the industry as a programmer, systems and business analyst, author, and consultant.
David Martin

As I've already told you, managing hundreds of apps on your iPhone isn't easy. To date, I've acquired via evaluation license, beta testing, downloaded, or purchased a total of 292 iPhone apps, though only 207 currently reside on my iPhone.

The dilemma stems from the fact that new app icons typically go to the first available space on your home screens. You'll also find your existing icons rearranged after you install updates, delete apps, or perform a restore. Rearranging them again can be tedious.

="" href="http://www.crunchbase.com/person/jeff-stieler">Jeff Stieler, an intrepid iPhone developer, has come up with an application that takes the pain out of app management for jailbroken iPhones. Movement uses your Mac to rearrange your apps on your iPhone or iPod Touch.

The video demo of this new Mac OS X iPhone app management utility is embedded below:

A solution for non-jailbroken iPhone users may be around the corner. iTunes 9, which is rumored to be coming soon, should have support for arranging app icons on the iPhone and iPod Touch like the proof-of-concept we covered previously.