PowerBook bugs reported by 0'Grady

PowerBook bugs reported by 0'Grady

CNET staff
a. PowerBook 3400 and Open Transport O'Grady's Power Page reports that some "PowerBook 3400 users have reported problems with Open Transport 1.1.2. Symptoms include lockups when switching an AppleTalk connection to or from LocalTalk when there is no active LocalTalk connection and strange lockups when sleeping the computer. The best bet (if you have these symptoms) is to stick with Open Transport 1.1.1."

b. PowerBook 1400 and Wacom tablet Jason also reports a confirmed bug involving the PowerBook 1400 and the the ADB ArtZ II tablet. "The result is poor control and spastic response between the cursor and the pen." Putting the PowerBook to sleep and waking it up may temporarily fix the problem. Other work-arounds are also noted on the page. Wacom is working on a permanent fix.