Poll: what features will be in the iPhone 5?

A third of CNET readers are willing to buy an iPhone without knowing what exactly to expect, so we want to know what you think Apple will include in the iPhone 5.

Joseph Hanlon Special to CNET News
Joe capitalises on a life-long love of blinking lights and upbeat MIDI soundtracks covering the latest developments in smartphones and tablet computers. When not ruining his eyesight staring at small screens, Joe ruins his eyesight playing video games and watching movies.
Joseph Hanlon

Last week, we asked CNET readers whether they would buy an iPhone 5 sight unseen. A third of respondents gave it to us loud and clear: absolutely they would.

This suggests that these readers believe that Apple will meet their expectations, or exceed them, in regards to the quality and reliability of the next iPhone. So, this week, we'd like to know how you imagine the iPhone 5 will turn out. Rumours suggest that it will have a larger screen, a faster processor and a better camera, but, then, rumours tend to be wrong — especially with regards to Apple products.

Which of this year's speculation seems on the mark to you? Remember, this isn't a wish list — your answers in the survey below should reflect what you think Apple has actually planned for the iPhone 5.

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