PointCast not updating channels: a follow-up

PointCast not updating channels: a follow-up

CNET staff
Last time, we mentioned that PointCast's Apple Channel does not update. Several readers wrote to say that this has been a problem since last fall. It extends to some other channels as well. A couple of readers (Phillip Miller and Bob Carr) forwarded us information on this matter from PointCast Technical Support:

Apple channel issue The update problem with the Apple Channel has been reported to the product development team. PointCast has contacted Apple and both companies are working to determine the cause of the problem. Currently, there is no resolution for this issue but it is being worked on from both sides.

ZDNet issue Due to editorial staff changes at ZDNet, the ZDNet channel is not getting new content until the new project personnel are in place. It is unclear how long this will take.

Weather channel issue A work-around:

  1. On your keyboard, hold the Option key and the Command (the clover) key down and click the Update button in the PointCast Network. (You will see an "Initializing Fetch File" window appear briefly).
  2. Click the Update button.

You may need to follow the above steps a couple of times before you get the weather information. (Each time you do the above, you are re-assigned a server to receive information from. Some servers have the weather information and some don't. This is a problem that is being worked on but for now the this work-around should help.)