Our new adaptive site for mobiles and tablets

If you're looking at this on a mobile phone or tablet, you should find it much easier to read than normal. Welcome to our new adaptive site!

Jason Jenkins Director of content / EMEA
Jason Jenkins is the director of content for CNET in EMEA. Based in London, he has been writing about technology since 1999 and was once thrown out of Regent's Park for testing the UK's first Segway.
Jason Jenkins
2 min read

If you're reading this on a mobile phone or tablet, you should find it much easier to read than normal. That's because today we're making CNET UK into an 'adaptive' site -- one that automatically changes the layout you see depending on the device you're using.

If you're using a smart phone, for example, the right-hand bar you see when you're using the desktop should be gone, and the text will be formatted to fit the size of your screen perfectly.

On a tablet, you should be looking at something very similar to the normal desktop site, but with some subtle tweaks to take advantage of your touchscreen.

What we're particularly proud of, though, is that everything will appear on the same URL you see on the normal desktop version of the site -- you don't have to wait for a redirect.

Another huge benefit is that videos will now play on iPhones, iPads and iPod touches. You've been asking for this for some time, and we're pleased to finally deliver.

If you don't like the version of the site you're seeing, you can switch back to the traditional desktop version by clicking a link in the footer.

One word of caution. We've tested the site on as many mobile devices as we could find, but there are so many out there, you may see some strangeness on some of the less popular models. If you see anything like that, please leave a comment below with the name of your device and the version of the operating system you're running and we'll try to fix whatever you're not happy with at this end.

We hope you enjoy browsing the site from your phone or tablet, and do let us know what you think in the comments below or on our Facebook wall.