Odds and Ends: Quicken 2003 and Citibank Follow-Up;

Odds and Ends: Quicken 2003 and Citibank Follow-Up;

CNET staff
Prebinding explained

Quicken 2003 and Citibank follow-up Ed Lovelace reports that there is partial compatibility between Quicken 2003 and Citibank's on-line banking system:

"DirectConnect for Quicken 2003 and Citibank works well. I've set up and used two citibank credit cards and downloaded data that way in Q2003."

We previously reported that the Web Connect importing of a .qfx for Citibank is not yet supported by Citibank.

Prebinding explained Bill Bumgarnet has written a detailed article explaining the benefits of prebinding, and why it is no longer necessary under Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar). An excerpt:

"Under 10.1, prebinding never needed to be updated on anywhere as regular of basis as a lot of people assumed. The only time prebinding information would be out of date is if you installed an application on the boot volume via drag-n-drop. In that case, only that application's prebinding information would be out of date and updating the prebinding would only affect the freshly installed app's launch time. Under 10.2, prebinding information is automatically updated as a normal part of system operation. There is no need or reason to ever manually update prebinding information." More.