Odds and Ends: Paul Thurrott: "The Mac is the ultimate PC"; Knowledge Base updates

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Paul Thurrott: "The Mac is the ultimate PC" Bucking his largely anti-Apple attitude, Paul Thurrott calls the Mac the "ultimate PC."

"With less than 3 percent of the market for computers worldwide, you might think that Mac OS X and the hardware it runs on are not a viable alternative to the Windows hegemony that most of us simply take for granted. Nothing could be further from the truth: Macs offer the best of both worlds, giving you the ability to run both Windows--with its huge software and games libraries--and Mac OS X--with its better security and iLife solutions--side by side on the same hardware. One might argue that a Mac is, in fact, the ultimate PC, simply because it can do so much more than other PCs. I believe this to be the case for many users."

Knowledge Base updates

  • #305543 Motion 3: Content includes new Fire Burst.mov
  • #305548 Final Cut Pro: FxPlug - Working with high RGB values in High-Precision YUV
  • #304220 Troubleshooting iPod Games
  • #304281 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for iPod Games
  • #60956 iPod: Changing the display language


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