Odds and Ends: iPod Warranty Lengthened; QuickTime

Odds and Ends: iPod Warranty Lengthened; QuickTime

CNET staff
MPEG-2 support; Watson and Sherlock 3

iPod warranty lengthened Apple has quietly lengthened the iPod warranty from 90 days to one-year, confirmed on Apple's Web site. Gann Matsuda reports he also received confirmation from an Apple representative and system engineer.

QuickTime and MPEG-2 Several readers note that adding MPEG-2 support to QuickTime 6 is a $20 upgrade, separate from the $30 Pro registration fee.

Watson and Sherlock 3 Karelia Software has posted a complaint that Apple's new Sherlock 3 borrows heavily from the company's shareware application, Watson. An excerpt:

"Many users have contacted Karelia, congratulating us on Apple "buying out" Watson. However, Karelia Software was not involved in any aspect of Sherlock 3, other than serving as ... shall we say ... inspiration. While Apple recently recognized Watson as 2002's "Most Innovative Mac OS X Product" -- and we appreciate the recognition -- the company didn't hesitate to make use of Watson's specific innovations for its next OS release, without any concessions to Karelia."