Odds & Ends: SETI data corruption; O'Reilly advice; Software Update time glitch; Adaptec driver errors; more

Odds & Ends: SETI data corruption; O'Reilly advice; Software Update time glitch; Adaptec driver errors; more

CNET staff
2 min read
SETI data corruption Having problems with data unit corruption and SETI@home. This MacFixIt Forums thread has details.

Software Update time glitch Shawn Platkus writes: "In the Software Update Preference panel, right above the buttons at the bottom, the Status shows the last time and date the a check for an update was done. On my machine, this is an hour behind. I noticed this when updating to 10.0.3. To confirm this bug on your Mac, go into the Software Update panel and click the 'Update Now' button. If you do this say at 2:00 pm, the status will then report that it was last done at 1:00 pm."

Sound output problems: more info Geoff Braun writes: "I have a sound output problem on my iBook running OS X: Headphones sound great - but if you run a cable to an external, powered speaker system, the low frequencies vanish! I've tried it with both 12" and 6' cables and the problem's the same. Audion, iTunes - it doesn't seem to make any difference. But the exact same hardware rocks using OS 9.1." [Note: see also previous coverage of sound output bugs.]

    On the plus side, Stuart Cato found that updating to Mac OS X 10.0.3 fixed the loss of sound output he was having when using iMovie.

O'Reilly site on upgrading to OS X, using Cocoa 0'Reilly's web site offers its Disaster-Free Upgrade to Mac OS X, parts one and two. O'Reilly has also made available several Cocoa programming tutorials from their forthcoming book on the subject.

Adaptec drivers fill error log Adam Turetzky found that, after installing the Adaptec Beta drivers for Mac OS X, his system.log file (see this article for background info on this file) kept filling up with repeated error messages stating:

    adam mach_kernel: ADPT_OSI_IndicateQueueFrozen: id 4, freeze
    May 14 09:18:33 adam mach_kernel: ADPT_OSI_IndicateGenerationChange (nop)

Uninstalling the drivers eliminated the problem.