Odds & Ends

Odds & Ends

CNET staff
The Apple Store According to a press release, Apple's new online store sold a half million dollars worth of goods in its first 12 hours. Congratulations. Overall reaction to Apple's Monday announcements is mixed. However, MacWEEK's assessment is mostly positive.

SDRAM info On the MRP today, Eric Belsley has detailed information on the new SDRAM used in the G3 Macs. Of particular interest, he notes that a statement on Apple's web site, that implies that you will need twice as much SDRAM as you now need, is simply wrong.

Qualcomm buys Now On Monday, Qualcomm (makes of Eudora) announced their acquisition of Now Software. Hey, maybe Now Utilities will get updated for Mac OS 8 after all.

Farallon becomes Netopia Meanwhile, Farallon announced they are changing their name to Netopia. Their web site URL already reflects the name change.

The Mac and Mac Clone Performance Comparison Page has moved to it's own domain - macspeedzone.com. It has numerous updated benchmarks, including results for Speed Doubler 8 and Startup Doubler.

MacBuzz has some benchmarks on the new G3 models.

MacHound news The MacTimes network has launched a new Macintosh headlines news index. "The new site, dubbed MacHound, uses an automated spider to gather and index Mac-related headlines from around the web on an hourly basis."

Apple Road Show Pix Interested in some photos and comments regarding Apple's Road Show? Click here.