Odds & Ends

Odds & Ends

CNET staff
QuickTime window glitch Dale Sorenson has a Web page where he describes an odd problem after installing QuickTime 3.0.2: the message that appears advertising to upgrade to QuickTime Pro is distorted. He's interested in feedback from anyone else who may have had the same problem.

G3 All-in-One is history Tait Schleisman confirms what has been circulating on the Web this week: Apple's All-in-One G3 has been dropped from Apple's price list. The thinking is that the iMac and the All-in-One are competing for the same market. One of them had to go - and it was not going to be the iMac.

Communicator PR2 fixes URL Manager Pro conflict Leo Evershed reports that Netscape Communicator 4.5 PR2 fixes the crashing conflict that PR1 has with with URL Manager Pro (as mentioned here previously). Note: Communicator 4.5 requires Mac OS 7.6.1 or later (thanks, Charles Koberg).

IomegaWare issues We continue to get reports of avariety of problems with IomegaWare 1.0. If you decide to upgrade, make sure you can downgrade back to the previous version, just in case.

Quark backs off Quark's Web page states that it has abandoned its bid to take over Adobe.