Odds & Ends

Odds & Ends

CNET staff
New G3s and lower price on Studio Display Almost lost in the iMac hoopla of last week are a couple of other Apple announcement of interest: As expected, Apple announced a new series of Power Macintosh G3 computers, running as fast as 333MHz and with a DVD Video option. Apple also announced a lowered price for its Studio Display.

MacTools Pro for Mac OS 8? Dale Craddock reports that a version of MacTools Pro that works with Mac OS 8 has been released in Japan by a company called Media Vision. Symantec's name is also on the box. "From what I could make out with my marginal Japanese it works with Mac OS 8.0 but not 8.1."

False Disinfectant 3.8 A reader downloaded a file called Disinfectant 3.8 from Hotline Servers. There is no legitimate Disinfectant 3.8. The file is apparently a Trojan Horse. After he launched it, a file called IOKFUN appeared in his Apple menu and other odd files and symptoms began to appear. Be warned.