New to CNET UK? Let us show you around

First time visiting CNET UK? Welcome to Britain's biggest independent tech reviews site! You might be wondering what we can do for you.

Nick Hide Managing copy editor
Nick manages CNET's advice copy desk from Springfield, Virginia. He's worked at CNET since 2005.
Expertise Copy editing, football, Civilization and other old-man games, West Wing trivia
Nick Hide
3 min read

Hello there -- first time visiting CNET UK? Welcome to Britain's biggest independent tech reviews site! You'll be wondering what we can do for you.

Everything we write has you in mind, whether you're planning on buying a new phone, checking out those tablet things everyone's talking about or want to learn to do more with something you've already bought.

Our team of experts is here to help you buy the gadget that's right for you and your budget, and show you how to get the best out of it. If you ever have a problem or a question -- or just want to tell us how good looking we are -- please drop us an email or leave a comment.

Looking for a review on a specific tech product?

Use our search tool at the top of the page, or mouse over Reviews, above, and click on one of the product categories. At the top of each category page, such as Mobile Phones, you'll find our handy 'Find the right product' box, which you can use to narrow your search by price, brand or rating.

The reviews you'll find are in-depth, detailed, jargon-free and focused on value and comparison. Is this the best thing you can get for your money? We'll tell you.

Looking for the latest tech news?

Crave is our gadget blog, which keeps you up to date with all the hottest new products and the latest happenings from the world of tech. Expect the coolest phones and tablets, the most important UK developments and a bunch of links to whimsical yet relevant YouTube videos.

Want to see a video of the gadget you're considering?

You don't want to rely on glossy Photoshopped renderings of products -- you want to see what it looks like to hold it in your hand. We make video reviews for as many gadgets as we possibly can, because seeing it in action is so important. You can find them at the top of each review, and in our Videos section.

On a mobile or a tablet?

Not only is our site mobile friendly, we also have free apps. The CNET Global App on Android lets you pick which country you want your tech news from (hint: the UK, thank you very much) and presents all our reviews, news, video and photos in a snazzy easy to use format. iPhone and iPad users will get their own version very soon, and in the meantime can see all our news on the dedicated Crave app.

Want to get more out of the tech you already have?

Check out our how-to guides, which lead you step by step through all manner of cool tips and projects. Many of them have accompanying videos, so you can see exactly what to do before you do it.

Looking for free downloads?

Head to our Downloads section for everything from games, security patches and screensavers to PC starter kits and mobile apps.

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