New TIL files on Mac OS 8.5: Selecting the Desktop; 720K DOS disks; File Exchange

New TIL files on Mac OS 8.5: Selecting the Desktop; 720K DOS disks; File Exchange

CNET staff
Three new TIL files address Mac OS 8.5 issues (two of which were previously covered on MacFixIt):
How To Select The Desktop In Navigation Services (#24743): "There are two ways to select the desktop using Navigation Services. The first is to navigate to the desktop by using the pop-up menu at the top of the window. Then shift-click any selected items to deselect them. Click the Select button when there are no items selected. The second and probably easier way is to hold down the Option key and select Desktop from the Shortcuts menu (the button with the hand icon)." (See MacFixIt item for similar coverage.)

Crash When Using 720K DOS Diskettes (#24742): "The problem with these floppies is that there is no File System Type specified in the BIOS Parameter Block. This can cause File Exchange 3.0 to crash. Floppies formatted with PC Exchange 2.1.1 and earlier may be the source of the behavior." If you have access to a PC, the simplest workaround is to reformat the floppies on the PC. (This symptom was initially noted on MacFixIt.)

Disabling File Exchange Without Restarting (#24741): "File Exchange does not have On and Off buttons, but you can still turn it on and off by using AppleScript." The TIL provides details.