New & Noteworthy: Mozilla; QuickTime Resource Converter; Tampa Apple store photos; more

New & Noteworthy: Mozilla; QuickTime Resource Converter; Tampa Apple store photos; more

CNET staff
2 min read
Mozilla 0.9.4 is the latest preview version of mozilla.org's next generation browser designed for standards compatibility and portability. See here for a complete list of what is new.

QuickTime Resource Converter 1.0 is a set of CodeWarrior plugins to convert resource files to QTR files. This family of CodeWarrior plugins (a Linker plugin and a Preferences Panel plugin) lets you set up a project to automatically convert its Macintosh resources into a .QTR file, avoiding the need to run DeRez in MPW or Terminal, and no more writing DOS batch files to run the Windows Rez tool.

New Apple Store opens in Tampa MacCentral has images from Saturday's grand opening of the Apple Store in Tampa. More photos.

Congress Mulls Stiff Crypto Laws From Wired: "For nearly a decade, privacy mavens have been worrying that a terrorist attack could prompt Congress to ban communications-scrambling products that frustrate both police wiretaps and U.S. intelligence agencies. Tuesday's catastrophe, which shed more blood on American soil than any event since the Civil War, appears to have started that process." More.

Send in the online spooks? From Salon: "In the aftermath of terrorism, civil libertarians are running for cover. But are they protesting too much?" More.

A Test Like None Before for the Computer Wizards From the New York Times: "If there was a doubt about the importance of techies to the capitalist enterprise in the post-Internet bubble, it may be quickly dispelled in the post-World Trade Center stock market, where shareholders are depending on people like Mr. Sterling and Mr. Berkhart to ensure that the ultimate capitalist marketplace functions fairly." More.

More cartoons Political cartoons that address the aftermath of last week's events.

Margin note: Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with those affected by last week's tragedies. Yet we also realize the importance of moving forward. As our lead item today indicates, the echoes of recent events will continue for some time. MacFixIt is a global citizen, our mailbox is regularly filled with messages from around the globe, and we are reminded regularly that as the Internet extends its reach, we all move closer together. While ever mindful of the ongoing rescue efforts in NYC, its time for us to forge ahead.