New & Noteworthy: InternetWeek on OS X; Iconfactory's Corey Marion on X icons; Learning Cocoa

New & Noteworthy: InternetWeek on OS X; Iconfactory's Corey Marion on X icons; Learning Cocoa

CNET staff
Apple's updated operating system looks to the Internet Larry Loeb writes in the current issue of InternetWeek: "OS X just might be the OS to get Wintel users on a Mac. In many ways, OS X resembles both its parents: It gets stability from its Unix origins and usability from the Mac side. And it offers a great user interface to harness Unix's power."

Corey Marion of the Iconfactory speaks out on icons, Mac OS X's design goals, and Apple's approach to customization in this interview.

An Interview with the Authors of Learning Cocoa It must be interview day. This interview discusses Learning Cocoa, the new book on the Mac OS X Cocoa programming framework written by Apple and published by O'Reilly & Associates.