New & Noteworthy: Apple to debut new 'Switch' Ads;

New & Noteworthy: Apple to debut new 'Switch' Ads;

CNET staff
PowerPC storage model; iSCSI coming soon

Apple to debut new 'Switch' ads Apple's second series of ads featuring real people who have switched from PCs to the Mac will debut during CBS's broadcast of the U.S. Open tennis tournament this Saturday and Sunday. The six new ads feature "switchers" from a wide variety of backgrounds: an attorney, a veterinarian, a trucking company owner, a software manager and two students. More.

PowerPC storage model Michael Lyons and other members of IBM's PowerPC team have put together an article detailing the processor's storage model structure. An excerpt: "The PowerPC architecture defines a storage model for the ordering of storage accesses that is called 'weakly consistent.' This model provides an opportunity for improved performance, but it requires that your software programs explicitly order accesses to storage that is shared by other threads or I/O devices." More.

iSCSI coming soon ZDNN reports that the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) subgroup that led the creation of the technology called iSCSI, has completed a final round of comments on the initiative. As a result, companies now can start building iSCSI products. Only minor changes are required before the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) endorses iSCSI as a formal version 1.0 standard. More.