Mozilla Thunderbird 2.0b1 released: Universal Binary, message tags, more

Mozilla Thunderbird 2.0b1 released: Universal Binary, message tags, more

CNET staff
2 min read

mozilla.org has released Thunderbird 2.0b1, a major new beta release of the open-source e-mail client for Mac OS X and other platforms. The new release is a Universal Binary, and includes the following enhancements:

  • Message Tags: Create your own tags for organizing email. Messages can be assigned any number of tags. Tags can be combined with saved searches and mail views to make it easier to organize email.
  • Visual Theme:Thunderbird 2's theme and user interface have been updated to improve usability.
  • Session History Navigation: Back and Forward buttons allow navigation through message history.
  • Folder Views: Customize the folder pane to show favorite, unread or recent folders.
  • Improved Support For Extensions: Extensions can now add custom columns to the message list pane in addition to storing custom message data in the mail database.
  • Improved Offline Management: Thunderbird (Linux and Windows) automatically adjusts the offline state based on current network connectivity.
  • Improved New Mail Notification Alerts:New mail alerts include information such as the subject, sender and message text.
  • Folder Summary Popups: Mouse over a folder with new messages to see a summary of the new messages in that folder.
  • Saved Search Folder Performance: Search results for saved search folders are now cached, improving folder loading performance.
  • Find As You Type
  • Improved Filing Tools: Recent folder menu items for moving and copying folders to recently used folders. Move / Copy again functionality.
  • Updates to the extension system: The extension system has been updated to provide enhanced security and to allow for easier localization of extensions.

The new release requires Mac OS X 10.2.x or later and is available as a 18.8 MB standalone download.

Feedback? Late-breakers@macfixit.com.


  • Thunderbird 2.0b1
  • 18.8 MB standalone downloa...
  • Late-breakers@macfixit.com
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