Moving right along

Web access and moving from application to application is a breeze

Cyn Donnelly
Moving between the cards is easy once you figure it out! Cyn Donnelly

I spent the evening without my laptop so I used the Palm Pre all night as my access to the Internet.

I Twittered, I emailed, I contributed to a message board and the comments section of a blog and I was surfing the Internet all at the same time. The speed and ease at which I was able to do this amazed me.

I expected there to be some lag in connectivity. I'm not sure why, it was just my, relatively, low expectations of any new technology I suppose but I'm terribly pleased with the results tonight. Switching between the cards (the Pre's name for each window that appears for each application) is as easy as a flick of your finger. Most impressive to me is the load time for websites. Sites that, on my iPhone, take at least a minute to load (like my own blog), load almost instantly. It made following the various discussions I was having much easier than usual when I have to do it via phone.

I didn't feel like I missed much not having the laptop tonight. I was pleasantly surprised that using the Pre like a mini-laptop worked as well as it did.