More Virex 7.2 update problems

More Virex 7.2 update problems

CNET staff
2 min read

Some users who tried a workaround to a problem where Virex 7.2.x (part of the .Mac package) will not properly download and apply DAT (virus definition) files received an odd error message indicating that not enough disk space was available.

One reader writes "I tried the custom settings you gave for NAI update, and when I clicked eUpdate I got a message with a Virex logo saying that there was not enough space on my hard disk to perform the update and to make more space and retry! My hard disk has over 14 GB unused. "

If you are having this issue with the modified settings workaround, you may want to try freeware application "Get DAT Updates" to download the most recent virus definitions (as previously reported), which as of now are marked July 15th.

Bob Tweedy writes "Regarding the workaround where Louie Berry has one change the server from Apple to NAI - this worked, sort of. After completing this change as described I updated the Virex defs. I then received the message stating that my virus definitions had been updated on June 25 - and did not appear to need updating. I then downloaded the 'Get DAT Updates' app and checked for new defs. The app found a new set numbered 4377. After downloading and installing these, Virex now tells me that my defs have been updated on July 15. One wonders where the GDU app is getting its info from. Stranger and stranger."

Feedback? Late-breakers@macfixit.com.


  • modified settings
  • "Get DAT Updates"
  • Late-breakers@macfixit.com
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