MobileMe Security: Make sure to quit browser after logging off

Like many Webmail offerings, MobileMe requires users to quit the active browser after logging out in order to ensure that subsequent users cannot retrieve their information.

CNET staff

Like many Webmail offerings, MobileMe requires users to quit the active browser after logging out in order to ensure that subsequent users cannot retrieve their information.

MacFixIt reader Dave Haas writes:

"While on a brief vacation, my wife and I were using my 2 GHz Intel Core Duo MacBook Pro running 10.4.11 and Safari 3.1.2 to access our Mobile Me accounts to check e-mail. My wife logged in first without issue. I then launched a new tab and attempted to log into my account. I entered my username and password and was somehow errantly logged into my wife's account. I logged out and tried to log in again with my username and password and again I was brought to my wife's Mobile Me e-mail account.

"Suspecting the issue may have to do with her still being logged in on the other tab, I switched back to the other tab and logged her out of Mobile Me. I then switched back to my tab and tried to log in again and was still brought to my wife's e-mail page. I logged out, physically closed the other tab, attempted to log back into my account and again was brought to her e-mail. Finally I quit Safari, launched it again, and was then finally able to successfully log into my Mobile Me account.

As such, a full browser quit is recommended after logging out of MobileMe services on a shared computer.

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