Microsoft clamps down on "vistatorrent" site

Ina Fried Former Staff writer, CNET News
During her years at CNET News, Ina Fried changed beats several times, changed genders once, and covered both of the Pirates of Silicon Valley.
Ina Fried

With Microsoft having a tough time getting the Vista beta quickly into the hands of all those that wanted it, some folks thought they could help out.

They set up vistatorrent.com, redistributing the code on their own.

Microsoft's response? Thanks, but no thanks. The company promptly slapped the site with a cease-and-desist letter.

"As is standard practice under current Microsoft protocol, we did issue a cease-and-desist letter for the vistatorrent.com web site," a Microsoft representative said in an email sent to CNET News.com.

"Microsoft cannot guarantee the authenticity or security of any code that is not supplied through an authorized Microsoft site," the representative said.

Microsoft is still urging those interested in obtaining the Vista beta to go to its Web site and sign up for the "customer preview program".