MacBook, MacBook Pro update 1.1 effective for most users

Unfortunately, requires Mac OS X 10.5.1.

CNET staff
2 min read

For several months we've covered an issue with some MacBooks and MacBook Pros where the first typed letter in a new text field is sometimes missing. For instance, when filling out a Web-based form, typing the word "dog" in an address field may result in only "og" being typed. A description from one poster to Apple's Discussion Boards is in a thread amusingly titled "ELP! - first letter always missing!".

Apple later stated that this was a "known issue, which is currently being investigated by engineering." At the time we reported that some users were able to mitigate this issue by adjusting their key repeat rate settings in the Keyboard and Mouse pane of System Preferences. In particular, setting the "Delay Until Repeat" to very short or off has resolved the issue for some.

We also reported several times on suddenly unresponsive trackpads.

Now Apple has released MacBook/Pro Software Update 1.1 for the MacBook and MacBook Pro, which purportedly fixes an issue where users "occasionally experience a temporary suspension of keyboard input which can last a minute or longer."

Unfortunaely, this update is only available for systems running Mac OS X 10.5.1, meaning Tiger users with this problem are out of luck.

Early indications are that the update is, indeed, effective.

One VersionTracker poster writes:

"Nearly since getting my MacBook, it has been often very hard to click on the pad. It was not responsive. Apple replaced it once. But it was still bad. I had a repair number but never sent it in because I needed it and was functioning with a wireless Mighty Mouse (except when it would lose recognition.) I don't know about forgetting the mouse, but this update appears to have completely fixed the trackpad issue. I am very happy about it."

The update replaces the following system extensions:

  • AppleUSBTopCase.kext
  • IOBluetoothFamily.kext
  • IOUSBFamily.kext

Feedback? Late-breakers@macfixit.com.


  • issue
  • "ELP! - first letter always missing!"
  • unresponsive trackpads
  • MacBook/Pro Software Updat...
  • poster
  • Late-breakers@macfixit.com
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