MacAlly USB hub port problem?; Entrega converter problem?

MacAlly USB hub port problem?; Entrega converter problem?

CNET staff
MacAlly USB hub port problem? A reader writes: "I recently purchased a iMac C, and also a MacAlly 4-port hub to connect USB devices. After numerous "freezes," Apple insisted the cause was a USB device and I contacted every device manufacturer including MacAlly tech support. MacAlly openly admitted that the bottom right hand port is weaker than the others, will cause the aforementioned systems problems and should not be used. Upon switching all devices to other ports, no more crashes were recorded!"

Entrega converter problem? Tim Hommel claims that Entrega Tech Support confirmed to him that: "Despite what Entrega says on their web site FAQ, their USB-to-Parallel Converter does not work with parallel-port connected Epson printers connected to an iMac."