Mac and cheese

A writer has posted an analysis aimed at answering whether Mac users are smarter...

Scott Ard Former Editor in Chief, CNET
CNET former Editor in Chief Scott Ard has been a journalist for more than 20 years and an early tech adopter for even longer. Those two passions led him to editing one of the first tech sections for a daily newspaper in the mid 1990s, and to joining CNET part-time in 1996 and full-time a few years later.
Scott Ard
Mac propellerheads

A writer has posted an analysis aimed at answering the crucial question of whether Mac users are smarter than your average PC buyers. After analyzing Web posts and crunching some numbers, the writer reached a conclusion that surely confirmed the suspicions of many: "Mac users might not actually be smarter than PC users, but they certainly use better English and a larger vocabulary to express more complex thinking."

But which came first? Do Mac users develop better communication skills, or are good readers and writers drawn to the Mac? Chicken or egg? Whatever the answer, I doubt that the findings will cause Microsoft executives to stop referring to their company by code name Mensa, as they did this year when mulling a buyout of SAP.

By the way, when did the Mac become something other than a PC? Apple Computer itself drops this line into the bottom of every press release: "Apple ignited the personal computer revolution in the 1970s with the Apple II and reinvented the personal computer in the 1980s with the Macintosh."