Low-carbon lifestyles of the rich and famous

Martin LaMonica Former Staff writer, CNET News
Martin LaMonica is a senior writer covering green tech and cutting-edge technologies. He joined CNET in 2002 to cover enterprise IT and Web development and was previously executive editor of IT publication InfoWorld.
Martin LaMonica

Carbon offset company TerraPass offers us a peek into the exclusive world of gift giving at the Academy Awards, reflecting a pro-environment theme at last night's Oscar ceremonies.

The Awards ceremony has caused a stir in the past for lavish gifts given to presenters and performers. This year, celebs got carbon offsets from TerraPass as a way to clean up after their polluting ways.

"Looking for a more restrained token of appreciation in keeping with the spirit of the evening, the Academy decided to give each presenter and performer a year of carbon neutral living. The gift consists of a glass sculpture from designer Simon Pearce and 100,000 lbs of CO2 reductions from TerraPass," reports the TerraPass company blog.

Meanwhile, green celebrity watching web site ecorazzi gives the entire performance mixed marks when it comes to being environmentally benign.

"Anything eco-friendly was again dwarfed by the usual suspects of black limos, SUVs and Lincoln Town Cars," writes ecorazzi.