Lenovo offers massive discounts on ThinkPads

Lenovo's online store is offering some pretty crazy discounts right now on ThinkPads. Jump in before they're gone!

Craig Simms Special to CNET News
Craig was sucked into the endless vortex of tech at an early age, only to be spat back out babbling things like "phase-locked-loop crystal oscillators!". Mostly this receives a pat on the head from the listener, followed closely by a question about what laptop they should buy.
Craig Simms

Lenovo's online store is offering some pretty crazy discounts right now on ThinkPad laptops, so if you're in the market for a great discount, hightail it over there.

At the time of writing, certain X series laptops are being discounted over AU$1,000, T series over AU$500, R series over AU$900 and SL series AU$800.

Chances are this is Lenovo clearing out old, cheaply imported stock to get newer, but more expensive stock on the shelves thanks to the state of the economy. Grab them while you can.

(Credit: CBS Interactive)