Leaving Sinobyte

After almost a year covering China's internet and technological scene for the CNET Blog Network here at Sinobyte, it's time for me to say goodbye.

Graham Webster
Formerly a journalist and consultant in Beijing, Graham Webster is a graduate student studying East Asia at Harvard University. At Sinobyte, he follows the effects of technology on Chinese politics, the environment, and global affairs. He is a member of the CNET Blog Network, and is not an employee of CNET. Disclosure.
Graham Webster

After almost a year covering China's internet and technological scene for the CNET Blog Network here at Sinobyte, it's time for me to say goodbye.

I'm not leaving because lost interest in the topic or in blogging, but rather because my circumstances have changed. My new life as a graduate student made things harder. For one thing, it's difficult to write about Chinese technological and internet developments from the United States. And of course, the demands on my reading time are far greater, leaving less room for the hundreds of RSS and Twitter feeds, as well as other resources, I used to consult for this blog.

I've very much enjoyed sharing this space with everyone, and have appreciated every single comment, including those who thought I was off base. (Every now and then I was!) I'll still be around online (here and here), just without time to maintain this space and keep it lively. Luckily, several other top-quality China technology blogs--the ones I have often cited--continue at full speed. I know I'll be following them, and I hope you do too.

Happy holidays to all those celebrating them, and stay in touch!

Graham Webster
sinobyte /\at/\ gwbstr /\dot/\ com