Late-2005 (dual-core) Power Mac G5 (#3): More on audible static or "clicks" through minijack port

Late-2005 (dual-core) Power Mac G5 (#3): More on audible static or "clicks" through minijack port

CNET staff
2 min read

We continue coverage of an issue where users hear distinct static noise or repeated "clicks" in the audio stream when using speakers attached to dual-core Power Mac G5s, including the quad G5.

As previously reported, in many cases, the unexpected noises are the result of interference from electrical devices on the same power circuit as the affected G5.

Antti Peltonen offers some additional information on the issue, providing more insight on what is causing the disturbances.

"Things done this far: Added a ground loop isolator to the audio cable as suggested in the Apple knowledge base document, and had an electrician check out that my outlets are properly grounded. No Help.

"The front minijack doesn't pop as badly, but if I connect my active speakers to it, I can hear the infamous chirp sound for example when using exposé. The chirps can't be heard from the rear minijack.

"The audio-out still pops for a while even if I shut down my computer and disconnect all cables except the speaker cable. Yes, also the power cord is disconnected -- and my Quad still pops for a long while.

"The remaining electricity in the power supply seems to leak to the audio-out port and cause these pops. My speakers are OK, they don't pop when connected to anywhere else than my Quad.

"The popping starts when the computer has been on for several hours. Disconnecting the power and speaker cables seems to help for a few minutes until the popping starts again.

"The computer is connected to an UPS (uninterruptible power supply). It doesn't make a difference if I connect the speakers to the UPS also."

Antti's report corroborates our earlier assertion that disconnecting audio jacks for several minutes will alleviate a static build-up that seems to be at play in some instances of this issue.

Feedback? Late-breakers@macfixit.com.

Previous coverage:


  • Late-breakers@macfixit.com
  • Late-2005 (dual-core) Power Mac G5: Audible static or "clicks" through minijack port may be electrical interference
  • Dual-core Power Mac G5: Audible static or "clicks" through minijack port
  • More from Late-Breakers