Kudos to Apple Support re AirPort

Kudos to Apple Support re AirPort

CNET staff
Yesterday, I received a phone call from Apple Support. The person apologized for the fact that a replacement Base Station was not shipped to me immediately after they promised to do so (see MacFixIt Extra on the AirPort). He said the delay should never have occurred and he offered to ship me one overnight if I had not already gotten a replacement. He then asked if my problems had been resolved and, if not, offered to provide further help.

We went on to have a friendly chat about the pros and cons of AirPort wireless communication. Among other things, I asked him about why Apple did not make the AirPort Utility easily available for people who want to set up a Base Station from a non-AirPort-ready Mac. He concurred that Apple probably ought to do this but the problem was one of support. They were not officially supporting this. Doing so would require that the provide tech support for people using third-party wireless PC cards. They were not prepared to do this as yet. Their hands were already full with tech support for AirPort cards. Maybe down the road, the policy will change.

Anyway, I was pleased and impressed with this follow-up by Apple. By the way, he claimed that he was doing this for everyone on a list of people who had needed Base Station replacements and that he was unaware of my connection to MacFixIt.

Finally, I can report that my Base Station continues to work fine.