Kaleidoscope and Aaron info

Kaleidoscope and Aaron info

CNET staff
a. New versions out Greg Landweber informs me of the public release of Kaleidoscope 1.5.1 and Aaron 1.6.1. He writes:

"Kaleidoscope 1.5.1 is a maintenance release, fixing problems with Drag Thing, Now SuperBoomerang, Adobe Type Reunion, StuffIt SpaceSaver, CyberFinder, FolderIconMaker, SilverLining, SmartScroll, and others. It also adds a windowshade widget to the BeBox scheme, as well as making many other minor changes and improvements. We have also released a new version of the Kaleidoscope Classic Pack that fixesvarious glitches in those color schemes.

Aaron 1.6.1 offersvarious minor bug fixes and improvements. The only major change is that due to the public outcry against the system font Veritas (based on Apple's Truth font), I have added an "~Aaron Espi Enabler" extension that switches the system font back to Espi Sans Bold 10 like in older versions of Aaron."

The programs will also be available as Download.com and other typical shareware ftp sites.

b. Check box weirdness Speaking of Aaron, Raul Regalado claims that the unusable and unnamed check box in System Alert Volume box of Alerts window of Monitors & Sound control panel in 7.6.1 (as mentioned last time) is caused by the Aaron extension. I have not confirmed this or checked to see whether it is fixed in the new version.

Update: James Williamson claims that the problem extends to Kaleidoscope (as well as Aaron), including the latest 1.5.1 version: disable the extension and the check box disappears.