Issues with Word 98 and EndNote 5

Issues with Word 98 and EndNote 5

CNET staff
In a follow-up to our recent coverage of problems between Word 2001 and EndNote 5 (see previous one and two), Steve Walton has encountered two problems with Word 98. He writes:

    "The 'Cite While You Write' commands in EndNote 5 seem to block the ability to assign key combinations to particular commands in Word 98. My current workaround is to use KeyQuencer to program those key shortcuts, and this seems to work fine.

    Also, whenever I insert a reference from EndNote 5 into an already existing Word 98 document, Word 98 crashes with a type 1 error. If I unformat the EndNote entries in the Word 98 document, then I can insert new entries, but Word 98 then crashes when I try to format the bibliography."

Update: Michael Baron was unable to replicate this problem. All worked fine for him.